...y'all notice something about local reporting in El Paso?
Back when your CongresspersonX served in local government, there seemed to be non-stop local coverage of county government.
You could probably run a search in the El Paso Times - County Judge Veronica Escobar v County Judge Old Guy - and you will likely find more stories about then-County Judge Veronica Escobar than stories about whoever is in charge now.
It did not hurt that Escobar had her de facto communication person, Bob Moore, running the El Paso Times.
Moore made sure we all got wall-to-wall coverage about Escobar.
But what gives now?
Well, Escobar got the promotion that she long wanted.
She's unlikely to seek another promotion that requires voter approval so does not really need Bob Moore.
That and Bob Moore now runs a blog, a blog that I honestly doubt many Democratic primary voters read.
Go to his blog and run a search for County Judge What's-His-Face, you will not find many stories.
Because in large, urban metro areas County government...kinda useless. It really is just jails, and hospital. Even then, the jailer-in-chief is elected.
But back when it was County Judge Escobar, Bob tried to convince you it was everything.
And now that Escobar has everything she has wanted...a crappy apartment in DC, and switching planes in Dallas or Houston to get back to her former home...she needs nothing.