Martin Paredes.
He needs to let it go.
And I say this as someone who also has a CURP.
His whole thing is that Mexicans always get shafted in El Paso, and that corruption is somehow worse in El Paso than in Mexico.
As far as the latter is concerned...NOT true.
That is not to say someone like Jaime Esparza is role model public servant, but compared to say Jaime Heliodoro Rodríguez Calderón...he probably is.
You may ask, "Who dafaq is the other guy?"
Oh, the former governor of Nuevo León, which is where Martin is from, and where my own maternal grandparents are from as well.
And that governor is currently sitting in jail.
There is water rationing in Nuevo León, which is probably not at all unrelated to the fact that that former governor put his guys in charge of water resources, and allowed more water to be used than can be replenished.
But Martin will not touch that.
It is not like Martin has not gone "off-topic" before when posting about Mexican military hardware.
Yes, Martin can complain all he wants about how property taxes are high in El Paso, but when all is said and done, that is what El Paso voted for. A majority Hispanic community has consistently voted for higher taxes, and will likely to continue to do so. The only thing that changes is which group of losers is raising is them.
But hey, at least there are not having to ration water in El Paso.