I have thought that Dee might have a chance of making into the run-off thereby giving him a chance to win.
But with all this shit going on, is it worth it?
It is shit pay for shit storms.
So why bother?
The job is not worth it.
First, you raised taxes.
Then some nut job from Allen murders your constituents.
And then, you have a billionaire and art history professor whipping your ass over the bad idea that is the arena.
AND NOW you have the Wuhan that has shutdown your city.
And because of the shutdown less money is coming in, which means taxes will only go up.
So why?
Dee hobbles around in a walker for what?
For this?
If Dee was smart he would bow out.
But he is not.
This was the guy that used other people's money to run against Shapleigh.
This would be a good time for Adair to intervene.