This seems like a big deal.
That for over THIRTY years the City of El Paso has been handing over money to the County.
And that FORTY MILLION that it handed over is not exactly chump change.
Think about it.
Your opinion about the baseball stadium aside, the City could have already paid the stadium off within a year or two.
That Latino cultural center some folks want, you probably could have had that too already.
It is not just about having nicer things.
It is all about not paying twice for the same damn for park services.
I have not seen the numbers about if you take all that money given to the County, I would not be surprised if we are talking about at least half a billion dollars.
But I find the timing of all this a bit suspect.
It is only after the ex-County Judge has won her primary that you all find this out? An ex-County judge who had been taxing you twice the whole entire time.
When there were three Shapleighites and Shapleighite-friendly City Manager, they did not know about this?
Remember that big bond phuck-up by City staff?
When you consider that in light of this, I would not blame you guys for wanting to tar-and-feather certain folks.
Sure, this double taxation plan by the County was in place long before they arrived on the scene, but once on the scene these enlightened county and city leaders did not do anything to correct this.
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