My best friend and part-time lover, David K, is not hot on the fact the El Paso Times ran the story about the City Representative Claudia Ordaz, County Commissioner Vince Perez and "Jose Corona" run-in with the cops.
He thinks the paper should focus on policy.
Phuck that.
The El Paso Times has NEVER been about policy.
This is the same paper that ran a story about a text message from my then-boss Norma Chavez.
Oh, and there was a couple of other stories about Chavez's "run-in with the cops" that resulted in...nothing.
But did that stop the paper?
Never mind the fact that even before those stories were published there was the Gary Scharrer gossip column.
You think Gary was interested in a policy discussion with Norma?
Did Norma have her faults? Sure, but it did not help that the only local paper in town was focused on blowing-up those faults.
So the El Paso Times covers Perez's own drunk run-in with cops.
But like anything else in El Paso this probably has less to do with the El Paso Times and more to do with Shapleigh and Co. And Shapleigh and Co. have probably been looking for a reason to cut Ordaz and Perez loose, and now they got it.