El Paso Inc.'s David Crowder has an article about Uber and alcohol.
Per Crowder:
"El Paso Police Department figures show that alcohol-related deaths have declined since Uber’s arrival in mid 2014 and are down by half since 2011. That’s good news. But in El Paso as elsewhere, there is nothing that actually links that drop to Uber." (Emphasis added)
That's pretty absolute.
Well, if Uber has NOTHING to do with the cause of that drop, let me propose something else: El Pasoans are drinking less than ever.
I mean that is more plausible, right?
"There has been a drop in alcohol-related deaths because El Pasoans are sobering up!"
Not even David Crowder would believe that because that would be phucking stupid.
I know Crowder wants to be objective, but he seems to be more concerned about appearing objective, than actually being objective.
Speaking of Uber, enjoy: