State Representative Mary Gonzalez, who is to the left of Mao, is all of a sudden a free market, small government conservative when it comes to the rights of farmers and groundwater.
Or so she says when asked about her attempts to kill a local bill that would only affect Wimberley, small town outside of Austin.
The problem is that the bill she's trying to kill has nothing to do with farmers, and has everything to do with a Houston-based company, Electro Purification LLC, that apparently a one Woody Hunt is involved with.
Now, Mary was quick to point out that Woody Hunt has never given her money...but that will change.
So why help out Woody Hunt?
The ugly truth is that while Mary is something of media and liberal darling, some in El Paso - Veronica Escobar, Vince Perez and others - find her to be useless.
What can change that?
Helping out Woody Hunt. Helping out Woody means smoothing things over with other legislators and elected officials in El Paso.
There is no reason to believe Mary is being genuine. She did after all lie about her sexuality to get campaign cash.
Also, is not as though Mary Gonzalez is the only legislator who represents rural interests. If the proposed legislation were to really affect farmers, legislators from the Panhandle and East Texas would have killed this legislators a long time ago.
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