I was reading my buddy Jaime Abeytia's blog, and I noticed something interesting.
In two recent posts the Socorro resident subtly bashed State Represenative Mary Gonzalez.
One of his criticisms was regarding Gonzalez' dumb idea about pushing water-intensive dairy farming in the Lower Valley, and the other had to do with her lack of involvement on issues pertaining to the school districts in the area.
For whatever reason Abeytia did not explicitly call out Mary. Maybe he is scared, or maybe he is trying to give her another shot to correct some wrongs.
Either way I am glad he is seeing Mary for what she really is...a con.
This is the legislator who lied about her sexuality to get campaign cash.
Mary has no vested interest in the Lower Valley. Say what I will about Abeytia, but that man does own property in Socorro.
Mary? She don't own shite, but that's because Mary lives in Austin. She flies to El Paso to attend meetings and to visit family during the holidays. That's why you do not see her at school board meetings, and that is why she is pushing for dairy farmers in the middle of the desert.
If Mary is losing Jaime - the guy who covered her campaign extensively - she's got a problem.
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