...and it is them.
There are some things that I agree with Team Shapleigh on, particularly our Congressman Beto O'Rourke. Things like ending or so-called revisiting our War on Drugs, and bike lanes.
But it is the other stuff, that they lose me on, things like health care.
The Children's Hospital is a Shapleigh idea through-and-through.
It is the one failure that the Team Shapleigh cannot blame on:
- Governor Rick Perry
- Luther Jones
- Norma Chavez
- Willie Gandara, Sr.
- Willie Gandara, Jr.
- Oscar Leeser
- Lily Limon
- Dora Oaxaca
Granted, many of those folks mentioned above are staunch Democrats, and absolutely love it when the federales dole out free stuff. If they are upset it is not so much of because they hate paying property taxes, it is because they wish they had thought of it first.
But I digress.
People like Veronica Escobar and Susie Byrd, are more of your idealistic folks (unlike Beto who actually ran a business and married wisely). They actually believe they are doing you a favor.
Case in point...Community Scholars. I mean, come on. Getting a bunch of high school acne-ridden complusive masturbators to come up with "solutions". I don't say that to be offensive. When I was an acne-ridden complusive masturbator I had all sorts of ideas, but thank God none of them were takenly seriously.
For Veronica and Susie like to fancy themselves as policy experts. But as it is in the real world it still should hold true in the "policy world", you cannot write checks with your mouth that your ass cannot cash.
And that is what has happened with the Children's Hospital.