....that or her job is no longer required.
Former City Rep. and current EPISD Trustee, Susie Byrd, is the Children's Hospital spokesperson.
But when SPOKESperson Susie Byrd was asked by the El Paso Times to comment, well, we got this:
Susie Byrd, a spokeswoman for the children's hospital who attended Monday's UMC's meeting, declined comment.
It's odd.
A spokesperson's job is to, I dunno, speak no matter how awkward things get unless they get legal in nature at which point you still have something to stay.
I am sure our County Judge, Veronica Escobar, probably called up Susie and told her not to speak anymore.
In light of this, does the Children's Hospital need to have a spokesperson, especially one that does not speak?
There's what? Over 50 folks at the Children's Hospital that will be receiving the pink slip? Why not Susie too?
Is having spokesperson who is not speaking necessary for a hospital that is fighting for its life?