Go figure, our sexually most confused member of the El Paso Delegation, Mary Gonzalez, confuses El Paso veterans.
Or worse...lied to them.
Now, Mary Gonzalez professes to be an educator, and she either has a PhD or is a PhD candidate. Either way, the point is that Mary should be able to educate voters, or that is at least what she wants us to think.
But Mary's education skills, or lack there of, were on display recently.
The issue at hand was Proposition 4, a proposed constitutional amendment that will be decided by voters.
What is Proposition 4?
Per the Texas Secretary of State's office, Proposition 4 is:
“The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of part of the market value of the residence homestead of a partially disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a partially disabled veteran if the residence homestead was donated to the disabled veteran by a charitable organization." (Emphasis added)
Pretty straight-forward, right?
It seems like a good amendment that helps out some partially disabled veterans.
Therein lies the problem though.
Mary Gonzalez has been telling voters that this proposition would apply to ALL partially disabled veterans. You can imagine the excitement of veterans upon hearing that. As it turns out though many of those partially disabled veterans have NOT had a residence donated to them. So they would not benefit from it.
Now those veterans feel misled. Can you blame them?
So why did Mary Gonzalez confuse or misled voters?
It could be because Mary Gonzalez is lazy. Mary loves attention. For her, substance is secondary. All she saw with this proposition was an opportunity to pander to veterans. But instead of endearing herself to them, she quite frankly disrespected them.
It could also be because Mary Gonzalez is stupid. It is quite possible Mary did not know what she was talking about even after she studied it. But if Mary was really confused by this proposition, she could have asked the real queer in the El Paso Delegation, Naomi Gonzalez, about the proposition. This proposition went before a committee that Naomi sits on. Of course, we all know Roger Garza won't let that happen.
If Mary can't get something as easy as this right....
...well, let's just all hope Mary can go back to confusing her "girlfriend" instead of her constituents.