Right when you thought it could not get any worse than Emma "Joyce, where can a girl drop a deuce around here?" Acosta, or worse than Emma "Joyce, the nipples on my aging tits are hard, I need a blankie!" Acosta....well it does.
So who is worse than Emma?
Well, it is not Eddie Holguin and Carl Robinson. Yes, they are morons, but they can be forgiven for that. And seriously what should we expect from the Lower Valley and the Northeast?
No folks, it is our dear friend, Lily Limon.
David K has been covering Lily's antics with Cortney Niland. But that should be expected. We have seen before what happens when aging fat Latina women feel insecure, e.g. Norma Chavez.
What's not expected is the level of entitlement from Lily. Norma Chavez hustled lobbyists for an ice sculpture, but even Norma Chavez probably is nowhere as egotistical as Lily...and that's saying something.
So what did Lily do?
Check it:
That's right.
God only knows what the hell was going on in that fathead of Lily's to think she can call up a Kennedy.
What was Lily going to ask Maria Shriver?
"I was going to be in Hyannis Port on holiday. My husband and his buddies from New Haven have some sailing thing, but thought I would go hang with the girls while I was there...tee hee!"
I am sure the last thing Maria Shriver wants to do is speak and see another overweight fat Mexican woman beaten with an ugly stick. After all, it was a overweight fat Mexican woman beaten with an ugly stick that got her ex-husband's rocks off. I am sorry. Correction, that lady was from Central America, but same difference.
So when Lily's is not pleasuring herself in front of her computer at fake pictures of Steve Ortega fondling Veronica Escobar, Lily is calling up (or trying to) the Kennedys.
Tania, come back! Hold me!!!!